Thursday, May 7, 2009

WCF and WWF 4.0

I’m really looking forward to getting my hands on the beta of Visual Studio 2010, which I hope they’ll release during Tech-Ed in LA this month. In the meantime I ran across this post on Cliff Simpkins blog about the upcoming features.

The workflow service host’s durable delay functionality is a great feature. Currently this is nearly impossible to implement out of the box with WWF 3.5. I really needed this on a recent project and ended up rolling a different solution. May be time to revisit it  when the beta is released.

The WCF routing is another interesting feature. Rather than have dozens of services hosted you can use a single routing service to filter and route messages to the correct service.

Although I won’t be able to attend tech-ed this year I’ll be closely watching for the beta release.

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